Tuesday, October 28, 2008

General relativity and Quantum mechanics

General relativity is the theory of large masses and gravity, with the end result of being able to predict what will occur, as the saying "Everything can be predicted". It was a theory by Albert Einstein explaining gravity in modern physics.

However, anothey theory contradicts this. Quantum mechanics is the theory of particles at the atomic and sub-atomic level. It basically deals with chances and if the theory is true, you can pass through a wall if you push at it for nearly an eternity. Basically anything can happen if this theory is applied.

So these two theories oppose each othe with one being able to predict and the other unpredictible, with General relativity dealing with the large bodies of mass and Quantum mechanics the world of particles

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How to make hydrogen

As you all know, hydrogen is an explosive material. So how do we make it? The answer is all around us. Connect a wire to a battery and keep in mind of the positive and negative electrodes. Now you just need a bottle with blocked centre through it. The positive side produces oxygen while the negative side produces hydrogen. The equation would be 2(H20)->H2+O2.

RCandy science fun

Have any of you ever wanted to make rockets? With a simple recipe which all of us can make at home, it is possible to substitute traditional black gunpowder with RCandy. The two ingredients needed are:
  • Potassium Nitrate
  • Sugar

Potassium Nitrate can be found in any fertilizer store. The utensils needed are of the following:

  • Weight scale
  • Any tool which can be used for grinding

Measure the Potassium Nitrate for 20 grams and sugar for 11 grams. Be careful with these for the RCandy can turn into an explosive with the wrong mix. This can make good rocket fuel/propellant and is quite cheap.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sister site launched!

I have launched a sister site at http://www.rhetoricalcache.blogspot.com/ which is a prank site and contains code which you can paste as comments on friendster, myspace and many more so why not try it out?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hacthissite Basic missions

Hackthissite Basic 1

After you learned HTML, view the source. In a comment will be the password for this level. To view the source wight-click the page and select view source or ViewSource on you menu bar. Press CTRL+F in the source and find 'password is' without the quotation marks.

Hackthissite Basic 2

'However, he neglected to upload the password file...'

So since there is no file it will be reffered to as nothing so just hit the submit button without typing anything.

Hackthissite Basic 3

Now look in the source code. You will find:


Paste password.php in your URL bar with so it is http://www.hackthissite.org/missions/basic/3/password.php and that is where the password is.

Hackthissite Basic 4

Again, look in the source code. You will find " input type="hidden" name="to" value="webmaster@hulla-balloo.com"> ". Now just change the value to your email, save as .HTML and click the button!

Hackthisste Basic 5

Paste javascript:alert( document.forms[0].to.value = youremail@youremail.org). This is a javascript injection which will alter the hidden fields of a page.

Hackthissite Basic 6

This site will help you. http://www.asciitable.com/. What you need to know is that for every new space the ascii value will be n+1, n being the ascii value added to the previous one.

Hackthissite Basic 7

Now, research unix commands. The most likely would be "ls". Now, how do you input two unix commands in one command line? Paste "&& ls" into the the box, locate the file and view it.

Hackthissite Basic 8

Paste into the name box and hit enter. This is an SSI command which will instruct the server to show all the files.

Hackthissite Basic 9

Paste into the submit box in the Basic 8 mission. This will search for the file in the Basic 9 directory.

Hackthissite Basic 10

Ahh, editing cookies. Use this javascript injection: javascript:void(document.cookie="level10_authorized=yes") to edit the cookies. Paste the javascript injection in the URL bar.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Newbie hacking

A good place to learn hacking would be at http://www.hackthissite.org. This is the place where you will be ethically practicing your hacking skills. Firstly, however, learning a mother programming language is vital, excluding HTML. First you can try out the basic missions in which i will post walk throughs for later. Secondly, Javascript missions are also applicable but stego missions are hard, i've only done one so far. So create and accounnt and have fun!

Hello World!

Hello, I've just tried blogging for a pastime and I'm finding it reasonably easy. I hope to share my thoughts and opinions on several things through this blog. In computer languages, I'm fluent in HTML, Basic and C++. I have been interested in computers all my life and since last year i have been excessively mastering my computing skills. I also like playing chess, basketball and spend most of my pastimes in recreation.

I have created a few programs in C++ and Basic, in which i will have a download section on available soon. These contain either mathematical programs or trojans.

I will define in a few later posts the art of hacking through web attacking, which I hope you will all enjoy.